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    Ullam scelerisque placerat mi, eget hendrerit massa aliquam at. Nam tincidunt aliquet. Nos Ut sollicitudin fringilla lorem aliquamet sem per odio suscipit sit amet.
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    My gear
    canon or nikon?
    The No.1 question people ask me when they find out i’m a photographer is “What gear do you use”? I actually use both Canon and Nikon, depending on what i feel will get the job done better.
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    Ullam scelerisque placerat mi, eget hendrerit massa aliquam at. Nam tincidunt aliquet. Nos Ut sollicitudin fringilla lorem aliquamet sem per odio suscipit sit amet.
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    Sed molestie augue sit amet leo consequat posuere. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae proin velantea orci. Send Me A Line

Sherman Ranch has been involved in the Arabian horse business for over 35 years. While their breeding program has evolved over the past several decades, their main goal remains the same: to breed the most beautiful and talented Arabian horses in the world.